Swedish Massage
This is a basic definition of Swedish massage:
Relaxing and therapeutic massage incorporating different strokes & kneading techniques on the soft tissues of the body (muscles, tendons, ligaments). The strokes move blood & lymph fluid in the direction of the heart. Swedish massage increases local circulation (the area being worked on), improves muscle & skin tone & decreases muscle tension & mental stress. Here in the U.S., if you want a general, relaxing massage, ask for Swedish!
Great for neck pain, back pain, sciatica, headaches, arthritis, shoulder injuries, IT Band tightness, tight hips, mental stress, plantar fasciitis, etc.
Here is a more indepth explanation of the benefits, for all of you who know anatomy & medical terminology:
promotes the parasympathetic nervous system
reduces hypertonicity in muscles
re-establishes neuromuscular coordination between CNS & soft tissues
improves gliding between fascial layers
decreases rigidity of adhesions
improves muscle flexibility
activation of nociceptors & down regulation of pain signals
restores biomechanical balance & synovial fluid levels around joints
promotes remodeling of scar tissue & fascial fiber buildup
improves muscle imbalances which cause movement limitations & pain
addresses postural issues & compensatory patterns
improves blood flow through muscle fibers to decrease pain and nerve compression
balances all systems of the body
improves range of motion
reduces the need for pain meds & blood pressure meds
improves digestion, mood, & sleep